Tổng hợp bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2 cơ bản có đáp án

Câu điều kiện loại 2 là một trong những dạng câu điều kiện quan trọng mà người học tiếng Anh cần phải nắm vững cấu trúc và cách sử dụng để có khả năng phân biệt với các loại câu điều kiện khác. Hôm nay, Aten English sẽ hỗ trợ bạn hiểu rõ hơn về loại câu này và cung cấp một số bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2 thực hành để củng cố kiến thức!

Tổng quan về loại câu điều kiện loại 2

Tổng quan về loại câu điều kiện loại 2

Công thức 

If + S + V-ed/cột 2 (quá khứ đơn),

S + would/could/might + V(nguyên thể) + O.

Cách dùng

Câu điều kiện loại 2 được sử dụng để biểu đạt một hành động hoặc sự việc không xảy ra ở hiện tại, và thường có một điều kiện không thể hoặc khó khăn để thực hiện. 

E.g: If she studied hard, she wouldn’t get a low mark. 

(Nếu cô ấy học hành chăm chỉ, cô ấy sẽ không nhận điểm thấp. -> Sự thật là hiện tại cô ấy đã nhận điểm thấp do không học hành chăm chỉ.)

Dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên

E.g: If I were you, I would buy that book. (Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ mua cuốn sách đó.)

Dùng để thể hiện một khả năng trái ngược với khả năng hiện tại của cá nhân.

E.g: If I had enough money, I could buy that house.

(Nếu tôi có đủ tiền, tôi có thể mua căn nhà đó. -> Sự thật là “tôi” không có khả năng mua được căn nhà đó.)

Bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2 có đáp án 

Dưới đây là một số bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2 kèm theo đáp án:

Bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2 có đáp án 

Bài 1: Fill in the blank with the right form with second conditional sentences 

xem thêm: Bài tập câu tường thuật dạng câu hỏi yes/no trong tiếng Anh

If I ______(be) you, I ______(see) that movie.

If my father ______(be) younger, he ______(travel) more.

If you ______(agree) to come to the party with me, I ______(not be) angry.

If she ______(have) enough money, she ______(buy) a new car.

He ______(be) happy if his girlfriend ______(accept) his proposal.

______ (you/buy) a house if you ______(live) in Japan?

We ______(be) healthier if we ______(not smoke).

It ______(be) nice if you ______(trust) me.

If you ______(not speak) Vietnamese, ______(you/understand) me?

If we ______(win) the lottery, we ______(travel) around the world.

If my father ______(have) a better job, my family ______(be) rich.

I ______(have) many job opportunities if I ______(get) an IELTS degree.

Her family ______(be) on holiday if the weather ______(be) good.

If they ______(study) more, they ______(pass) the test.

We ______(not be) late again if we ______(travel) by car.

If you ______(eat) less, you ______(lose) the weight.

If I ______(be) you, I______(go) to bed early.

We ______(meet) each other often if we ______(live) closer.

If it ______(not rain), I ______(go) to work.

If you ______(be) more careful, you ______(not make) that mistake.

Bài 2: Choose the correct answer

I ______(call) him if I ______(have) his number.

called – had

would call – had

would call – have

If we ______(have) time, we ______(come) to the party.

had – would come

had – will come

had – came

They ______(have) more money if they ______(not buy) those shoes.

would have – didn’t buy

would have – don’t buy

had – don’t buy

If we ______(decide) to stay here, we ______(have) more time for each other.

decided – had

decided – will have

decided – would have

If we ______(talk) with her, she ______(be) very happy.

talked – will be

talked – would be

talked – was

If I were you, I ______(not drink) wine.

wouldn’t drink

won’t drink

didn’t drink

If she ______(live) in Vietnam, she ______(speak) Vietnamese fluently.

lived – would speak

lived – spoke

lived – will speak

They ______(have) the trophy if they ______(win) the match.

had – won

will have – won

would have – won

If she ______(shave) her head, her parents ______(be) mad.

shaved – would be

shaved – will be

shaved – were

If I ______(have) my wallet stolen, I ______(call) the police.

had – called

had – will call

had – would call

What ______(she/do) if she ______(fail) the exam?

did she do – failed

will she do – failed

would she do – failed

If you ______(do) exercise, you ______(not be) ill.

did – won’t be

did – wouldn’t be

did – weren’t

Where ______(you/go) if you ______(travel) around the world?

would you go – traveled

would go – traveled

will you go – traveled

If they ______(live) in Vietnam for 10 years, their Vietnamese ______(improve).

lived – will improve

lived – would improve

lived – improved

If David ______(act) more nicely, more people ______(like) him.

acted – liked

acted – will like

acted – would like

Bài 3: Underline and correct the mistakes in these sentences. Write “True” if the sentence is right

He won’t be lost if he bought a map.

If we used less electricity, we would save our planet.

If he drives faster, he would go to school on time.

If we borrowed books from libraries, we won’t have to buy them.

I would prepare dinner if I came back home earlier.

If I are you, I would go to the party.

If I met Brad Pitt, I will take a picture with him.

He would learn Karate if he had more time.

 I will feel better if I went out with you.

If you went to school by bike more often, you would be healthier.

Bài 4:  Fill in the blank with the right form with second conditional sentencesIf Dean  ______(be) here, he  ______(help) us.
What  ______(you/do) if you  ______(see) a vampire?
If I  ______(find) some money on the road by chance, I  ______(take) it to the police.
If they  ______(travel) by train, they  ______(not be) late.
Sarah  ______(not be) worried if you  ______(tell) her the truth.
If you   ______ (be) an idol, what kind of song  ______(you/perform)?
He  ______(not meet) her if he  ______(stay) at home tonight.
What  ______(she/do) if she  ______(lose) her keys?
If I  ______(know) how to solve the problem, I  ______(do) it.
Their parents  ______(not be) sad if they  ______(not fail) the exam.Bài 5: Answer the questions (Free answers)

Where would you live if you had a lot of money?
What would the weather be like if you controlled it?
If school was canceled today, what would you do?
How would you feel if you were arrested by the police?
Who would you meet if you had a chance to meet a famous person.

Đáp án

Bài 1: Fill in the blank with the right form with second conditional

were – would see

were – would travel

agreed – wouldn’t be

had – would buy

would be – accepted

Would you buy – lived

would be – didn’t smoke

would be – trusted

didn’t speak – would you understand

won – would travel

had – would be

would have – got

would be – was

studied – would pass

wouldn’t be – traveled

ate – would lose

were – would go

would meet – lived

didn’t rain – would go

were – wouldn’t make

Bài 2: Choose the correct answer

would call – had

had – would come

would have – didn’t buy

decided – would have

talked – would be

wouldn’t drink

lived – would speak

would have – won

shaved – would be

had – would call

would she do – failed

did – wouldn’t be

would you go – traveled

lived – would improve

acted – would like

Bài 3: Underline and correct the mistakes in these sentences. Write “True” if the sentence is right

won’t be -> wouldn’t be


drives -> drove

won’t have -> wouldn’t have


are -> were

will take -> would take


will feel – would feel


were – would help

would you do – saw

found – would take

traveled – wouldn’t be

wouldn’t be – told

were – would you perform

wouldn’t meet – stayed

would she do – lost

knew – would do

wouldn’t be – didn’t fail

Bài 5: Answer the questions (Free answers)If I had a lot of money, I would live on the Moon.
The weather would be sunny if I controlled it.
If school was canceled today, I would go shopping with my friends.
If I was arrested by the police, I would feel upset.
If I had a chance to meet a famous person, I would meet Emma Watson.

Hy vọng rằng sau khi đã thực hành một số bài tập câu điều kiện loại 2, các bạn đã học được những kiến thức tổng quan và đã trở thành người thành thạo trong việc sử dụng loại câu này. Aten chúc bạn sẽ đạt được thành công trong việc làm chủ câu điều kiện loại 2 cũng như khóa học tiếng anh online của mình!


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