Bài mẫu IELTS writing Task 1 Band 8 tham khảo thêm

Aten English giới thiệu cho bạn cách luyện thi IELTS với bài mẫu IELTS writing Task 1 Band 8. Với các bài viết mẫu, bạn có thể nêu bật những ý hay, cấu trúc câu cụ thể được sử dụng trong bài viết và cách người viết kết nối các đoạn văn để tạo nên sự liên kết chặt chẽ. 

Các bước làm IELTS writing Task 1 ăn ăn chọn Band 8

Dưới đây là ba bước viết bài mẫu IELTS writing Task 1 Band 8 dễ dàng để đạt điểm cao trong các loại bài kiểm tra này: 

Đoạn 1: Diễn giải câu hỏi. Đơn giản nhất là sử dụng các từ đồng nghĩa, thay đổi trật tự từ trong câu, hay nói cách khác là một quá trình nhân tạo (sản xuất điện, chocolate,…) thì ta có thể chuyển sang dạng bị động. DUY NHẤT 1 C U. 

Đoạn 2: Tổng quan Đây là phần cần  chú ý nhất, chuyên gia đánh dấu kỹ phần này để xem người viết có hiểu quy trình hay không. Thực hiện theo các bước sau: Chia quá trình thành hai phần. Đây là lúc bạn phải suy nghĩ vì bạn phải có khả năng diễn đạt lý do tại sao bạn  chọn phần này, sự khác biệt giữa hai phần là gì, v.v. 

Các bước làm IELTS writing Task 1 ăn ăn chọn Band 8

Viết phần mở đầu TỔNG HỢP cho từng phần, phải nói  được: đây là quá trình tự nhiên hay nhân tạo, bắt đầu và kết thúc bao nhiêu bước 5 – 6 (nếu có) Tại sao viết 2 bước cho mỗi câu  mà không phải 1 bước cho mỗi câu? Có 2 lý do, thứ nhất là các quy trình này thường có nhiều bước nhưng mỗi đoạn bạn chỉ nên viết không quá 3 câu. Thứ hai, nếu chúng ta viết 2 bước 1 câu, chúng ta có cơ hội sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ và đạt điểm ngữ pháp. 

Đoạn 3: Bước 2. Viết như bước 1. Hãy nhớ giới hạn bản thân trong ba câu. Một số điều cần nhớ: _ Chỉ thảo luận những gì trên biểu đồ. Task 1 thuần túy là miêu tả, không viết ý kiến ​​cá nhân. Không viết kết luận. Kết luận là cảm nhận cá nhân, chỉ dành cho task 2.

Xem thêm: Cách Viết Overview Task 1 IELTS Writing chi tiết nhất

Bài mẫu IELTS writing Task 1 Band 8

Bài mẫu IELTS writing Task 1 Band 8 số 1:

” The bar chart below give information about five countries habits of shopping on consumer goods in 2012. Summarize the information selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.”

The chart compares the spending of shoppers in five European countries on six consumer products, namely console games, outdoor game accessories, cosmetics, books, toys and camera. Overall, more money was on the latter two than on any other product.

It can be observed that in Britain, the amount of money was spent on camera (more than 160 million pounds), while similar amounts were spent on console games and outdoor game accessories. The Austrian spent the highest amount of money on the first three products while they stood last in the latter three. It is also that Spanish spent more money on toys than on any other product (a bit less than £150 million), but they also paid a lot for camera. Finally, Belgian spent the least overall, having spending figures for all 6 products compared in the bar chart.

To sum up, the British were the biggest spenders all six categories among the nations compared in the bar chart while the lowest levels were attributed to the residents of Belgium.

Bài mẫu ielts writing task 1 band 7 số 2:

Bài mẫu IELTS writing Task 1 Band 8

“The chart below gives information about “Istanbul plus” sales in 2007. Summarize the information by selecting and the features, and make comparisons where relevant”

The chart shows how Promo Plus in fluctuated over a period of 12 months. It is observed that in the first month of 2007, Promo Plus stood at 200 million turkish lira and rose slightly to reach about 225 million in February. This was followed by increase, although much steeper, in March when sales where almost 125 million turkish lira higher than February.

However, this upward trend was suddenly and sales plummeted dramatically over the next 4 months to reach a little over 100 million turkish lira in July. August sales showed a significant rise back to January levels as figures nearly, but this was not to last as they dropped again in September to the same level as they were in July. October came with a small increase of about 100 million turkish lira in sales, after sales figures levelled off and remained relatively static over the last two months of 2007.

Overall, Promo Plus in Istanbul remained unchanged in 2007 as January and December sales were fairly equal. Also, sales at their highest in March while the weakest sales figures could be observed in July.

Sample 3:

“The graphs below show of the cutting tools made by stone, one was made 1.4 million years ago, and the other was made 900 thousand years ago, viewing from back view, front view and side view. Summarize by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.”

The given diagram illustrates the cutting stone and how it was advanced, from 1.4 million years ago to 900 thousand years ago. It can be clearly seen that the stone tool was improved into a sharper and better one, the years.

The stone tool made 4 million years was more rounded at the top and bottom edges. From the front and the back view of the tool it is that the diameter in the middle was almost 5 cm and towards the top and bottom, it was around 3 cm wide. The side view shows that the tool was wider in the middle, with a diameter of 3 cm and it tapered towards the top and the bottom ends. The back of the stone had fewer than the front and they were also not very fine.

800 thousand years ago, this tool developed a sharper, more refined tool. In the front and the back view it can be seen that the maximum diameter of the tool was the same as in the older tool, but it was more towards the side. The bottom into a 1 cm point, but the top tapered more sharply into a 1 cm. The side view makes it that it was much lesser in width (1.5 cm) than the older tool. The stone was chiseled than the previous one.

Sample 4: 

Bài mẫu IELTS writing Task 1 Band 8

“The graph below shows the pollution in London between 1600 and 2000. Summarise the information by selecting and the main features, and make comparisons where relevant” 

The graph shows levels in London between 1600 and 2000. It measures smoke and sulphur dioxide in micrograms per cubic meter. According to the information, the levels of both pollutants formed a similar pattern during, but there were always higher levels of sulfur dioxide than smoke in the atmosphere.

In 1600, pollution levels, but over the next hundred years, the levels of sulfur dioxide rose to 700 micrograms per cubic meter, while the levels of smoke rose gradually to about 200 micrograms per cubic. Over the next two hundred years the levels of sulfur dioxide continued to increase, although was some fluctuation in this trend. They reached a peak in 1850. Smoke increased a little more sharply during this time and peaked in 1900 at about 500 micrograms. During the 20th century, the levels of both pollutants fell dramatically, though there was a great deal of fluctuation this fall.

Trên đây là bài mẫu IELTS writing Task 1 Band 8 hay Aten muốn chia sẻ cho các bạn muốn tiến tới điểm writing cao. Các bài viết sau Aten sẽ chia sẻ thêm những bài mẫu Writing Task 1 band 7 và bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 Band 9 hay nữa với nhiều chủ đề khác nhau. Các bạn sẵn sàng đón nhận để luyện thi IELTS Writing nhé!


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